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If you love bobotie, these 9 recipes are just for you

Bobotie is a classic South African dish of spiced mince baked with a turmeric custard top. Serve with chutney, yellow rice or naan bread for a delicious meal packed with Cape flavours.

Here are some interesting new recipes for the bobotie-lovers!

Bobotie pasta with creamy chutney sauce

WATCH: How to make bobotie meat loaf with banana salsa

Bobotie, but make it vegetarian? You’ve got it!

Try cooking this roast butternut and lentil bobotie by Bibby’s Kitchen.

Perhaps you’d like to serve some bobotie-inspired finger food at your next braai? Here are some recipes for nibbles:

Bobotie and potato croquettes with yellow rice and banana salsa

Bobotie cups

Fish bobotie rolls 

Cabbage bobotie with tomato chutney

Bobotie filo parcels with apple-ring chutney

Zola Nene takes all the traditional components and turns them into this magical recipe: Bobotie mince kebabs with rice salad

Cooking for the family? We also have some great bobotie-inspired dishes for a crowd.

Saucy beef bobotie with butternut

Bobotie cannelloni

Suzelle DIY’s bobotie balls

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