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Eating seasonally and staying healthy

Brrr. Is it just me, or has winter really made itself at home? No matter the weather, we’re here to ensure your daily serving of Food24 is tastier than ever, so grab a coffee and get comfortable.

All my heart desires when the weather turns chilly are big fat glasses of red wine accompanied by gorgeous slow meat roasts, piping hot curries or anything with gooey melted cheese. Now that I’m back at Food24, I know that these food cravings are going to get a lot more serious. Have you seen the amazing recipes popping up on the blogs every day? Yesterday we were introduced to the chouxnut – a new take on last year’s cronut trend. Have.You. Ever.

With nature’s seasonal change, we can expect to see an explosion of wonderful winter fruit and vegetables. I’ve been enjoying the abundance of courgettes and aubergines lately and now I’m looking forward to root vegetables, earthy wild mushrooms and fresh bursts of citrus. But I simply cannot get through the season without my favourite – avocado!

I’m going to be throwing together this steak and avocado salsa for quick and easy weeknight dinners, eggs in bacon-wrapped avocado nests for brekkie and these Cajun chicken and avocado burgers for hungry friends on weekends.

Browse our seasonal recipe hub for some inspiration. It’s been well-researched that eating seasonal foods provide the nutrients that your body needs to thrive optimally at that specific period of the year. So if you’re coughing and sniffing… start peeling that orange!

Before you think I’ve gone all health-freak on you, fear not. Chocolate is also in my winter survival kit. Try this soul-soothing peanut butter brownie recipe. With just 7 ingredients, it’s a winner. Pair with a gorgeously sweet authentic Portuguese Port and soon the thought of frosty winter mornings and chattering teeth will be a distant memory.

Crank up the oven and sharpen those knives.

I’m ready to tuck in, are you?

Love and hot water bottles,
