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How to make your weekly groceries go further

No matter how creative a cook you are, there’s always need for inspiration – even if it involves a plain old pantry item that always makes its way into your trolley.

We published an article last week called: How to make 7 dishes for the week out of just 1 base meal, and I’ve been pleasantly surprised at how well it is being received by our readers. It just goes to show that a little thinking out the box can turn you into an inventive kitchen genius – one that your family will love!

I’ve mentioned before in a somewhat freeganist tirade that food is becoming scarce and we need make the most of every ingredient we buy or grow. Leftover broccoli from last night’s dinner? Chop it up and throw together a frittata with some feta or whatever cheese you have. Overripe fruit? Use it in a sweet bake like banana bread or a dessert like roasted plum pavlova. Otherwise simply cut it into small pieces and freeze for smoothies during the week. Likewise – store any leftover fresh herbs in some olive oil in the freezer. It’s a great way of preserving them to use at a later stage.

Simple but effective ways of making your food last is something that we can all learn more about. I’m sure I’m not the only one that gasps when I see my grocery bill each week. Let’s start saving people!

Food24 is a great resource for cooks who want to make the most of whatever is in the fridge. In fact, we’ve got a few round-ups that would be a great addition to your Pinterest board!

Take a look…

1 can of coconut milk: 5 ways to use it

6 amazing things to do with watermelon

3 things to do with bacon

1 packet of mince: 7 ways to use it

16 ways to use courgettes

10 clever ways to eat cauliflower

Keep an eye on Food24 in the coming weeks for inspiring ideas with all your pantry staples!

In the meantime, I’ll be in the kitchen making these with my leftover rice. Yum!
