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10 healthy afternoon snack ideas to boost your energy


It’s natural to feel tired around 2 or 3pm when motivation and energy levels drop – it happens to even the healthiest athletes. In Spain and Brazil, they take a siesta to reboot. In Italy, they have a two-hour lunch.

But for those of us who can’t take a break and for whom that fourth cup of coffee just isn’t cutting it, it’s time for an afternoon snack!

So get up, stretch your legs, do some jumping jacks and have a snack to get your brain back to bouncing for the rest of the day.

Try one of these 10 simple and delicious snack suggestions.

1. A handful of nuts. Protein-filled, easy to store in your desk or divide into small containers, nuts are great for a prepackaged, no hassle, quick and easy energy solution.

2. Yoghurt with a drizzle of honey. Check out this super simple recipe for Greek yoghurt, honey and nuts for your afternoon pleasure.

3. Cucumber and cottage cheese. Sliced cucumber is an excellent alternative to eating chips or carbohydrate-packed crackers. Add a dollop of cottage cheese and a sprinkling of paprika and munch guilt-free.

4. Peanut butter and carrots. This is a fabulous snack for adults and kids. Just a spoonful of peanut butter will keep you full for longer because it is high in protein. And carrots are rich in antioxidants for a brain boost, plus they are a bonus for dental health because they naturally kill germs. #twofor1!

5. Hard-boiled eggs. This makes for a brilliant self-packaged, high-protein, low-calorie snack that you can prepare on the weekend to bring to work daily. Here are our instructions for hard-boiling eggs.

6. Hummus and crackers. You can easily make this fresh and healthy recipe for chickpea hummus at home, pack it into small containers for the week, and add two or three crackers (not too many) to your lunchbox.

7. Scrambled eggs-and-cheese in the microwave. Cheese and eggs will not only curb your afternoon hunger but will keep you full for longer and they are seriously delicious. Take one egg, beat it with a fork, toss in a sprinkling of cheese, pop it into the microwave for 1 minute, mix with a fork, and cook again for 20-30 seconds until fully cooked.

8. Apples and bananas. Nature got it right with its’ gorgeously designed, one serving, naturally packaged fruit.  Apples have a low GI which means you’ll breakdown the sugar at a much slower rate giving you sustained energy for longer.  And, bananas are chock full of potassium which is good for your blood pressure and heart functions, but will also keep your blood sugar levels stable so you don’t suffer a crash in energy.

9. A small bowl of oatmeal. If you have plain oats sitting at your desk, you can place three to four tablespoons in a bowl, cover with boiling water and cover with a plate for 3–5 minutes. Add a bit of honey, and grated apple and nuts if you want to go big.

10. Dates or prunes instead of pastries. If you have a sweet tooth, replacing your afternoon cupcake with a carrot isn’t going to be a smooth transition. Instead, try 1/4 cup of chopped naturally sweet dates or try making these simple date and nut energy bars.