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Winter cooking on a budget: Tips to create affordable comforting dishes


Winter is the perfect time to cosy up with warm and comforting meals, but it doesn’t have to break the bank. With a little planning, creativity and some budget-friendly tips, you can enjoy hearty and delicious winter dishes without straining your wallet!

8 budget-busting tips:

1. Embrace seasonal produce

Winter offers an abundance of affordable and flavourful seasonal produce. Opt for winter vegetables like root vegetables (carrots, potatoes, turnips), cabbage, Brussels sprouts, and winter squashes. They are not only delicious but also tend to be more budget-friendly during the winter months. Look for local farmers’ markets or grocery store sales to find the best deals on these seasonal ingredients.

READ: Your go-to guide for seasonal fruit and vegetables

Adding roasted root vegetables to stews and casseroles just before serving or grated carrots into your favourite bolognaise sauce is a tasty way to bulk up a hearty meaty meal with vegetables.

2. Plan ahead and batch cook

Planning your meals ahead of time can save you both time and money. Take some time each week to plan your winter menus, considering ingredients that can be used in multiple dishes.

Batch cooking is also a great strategy to stretch your budget. Prepare larger quantities of soups, stews, and casseroles and freeze them in individual portions. This way, you’ll have ready-to-eat meals on hand, reducing the temptation to order takeout.

3. Use inexpensive cuts of meat

Affordable cuts of meat can shine in winter recipes when cooked low and slow. Choose tougher cuts like beef chuck, beef shin, pork shoulder, or chicken thighs, which tend to be less expensive but become tender and flavourful when braised or stewed. These cuts are perfect for hearty slow-cook dishes like beef stew, pulled pork, or chicken casserole.

RECIPE: Creamy samp and beef stew

Use chicken feet or smoked bones to flavour homemade broths. Not only will chicken feet add a rich wholesome chicken flavour, they also have a high collagen content which will naturally thicken the broth and add a whole host of essential nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and amino acids in an inexpensive budget-friendly manner.

4. Minimise waste

Get creative by using every part of an ingredient to minimise waste. For example, use vegetable off-cuts or vegetables that are no longer at their best to make vegetable-based stocks or when shredding a whole roasted chicken, save the carcass in the freezer until you’re ready to cook up a batch of homemade chicken stock!

READ: What is zero-waste cooking and how do I do it?

5. Make use of pantry staples

Winter cooking often relies on pantry staples that are both budget-friendly and versatile. Stock up on items like tinned beans, lentils, rice, pasta, tinned tomatoes, and broth or stock. These ingredients form the base of many winter recipes, including comforting soups, stews, risottos, and pasta dishes. They provide nourishment and substance to meals without straining your budget.

The next time you’re making up a big batch of lasagne or bolognaise, add some red lentils and additional liquid to the meaty mince and tomato base. Not only will this help to bulk up the meal, but you’ll add a serious fibre boost to your meal.

6. Get creative with vegetarian and vegan meals

Experiment with winter vegetables and grains to create satisfying and affordable meatless meals. Incorporating more vegetarian or vegan meals into your winter cooking can be both budget-friendly and healthy.

RECIPE: Pumpkin and chickpea curry

Beans, lentils, and legumes are excellent sources of plant-based protein and can be the star of dishes like vegetarian chili, lentil soups, or chickpea curries.

7. Shop sales and buy in bulk

Take advantage of winter sales and keep an eye out for specials on frozen fruits and vegetables, tinned goods, and pantry staples. Buying in bulk can also save you money in the long run as they often have a lower price per unit.

8. Transform leftovers

Don’t let leftovers go to waste. Get creative and transform them into new and exciting meals. Use leftover roasted vegetables in frittatas or turn last night’s roasted chicken into a hearty chicken noodle soup, or repurpose cooked grains into a flavourful warm salad.

Repurposing leftovers not only saves money but also adds variety to your winter meals.