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Why you should pressure cook lamb


Pressure cookers use “steam under pressure” to cook food fast and efficiently. Modern-day pressure cookers have come a long way from those old-school versions that tended to emit a threatening high-pitched screeching sound to alert you that dinner was almost on the way!

Once you start cooking speedy, nutrient-rich, tender lamb dishes with your pressure cooker, you’ll never want to use anything else, and here’s why.

Pressure cookers are budget friendly

Pressure cookers are a great investment because they can easily reduce your monthly electricity bill, which is highly advantageous with the ever-increasing cost of living nowadays.

They are well suited to one-pot wonder recipes, which not only limits the number of pots, pans and dishes used but also the amount of time spent cooking on a stovetop or in the oven. In turn, this also reduces the amount of electricity used to cook a hearty lamb dinner as well as the time spent slaving over the stove. Both cost-efficient and energy-saving!

Pressure cooking also allows you to use and reinvent cheaper cuts of lamb, allowing you to get the absolute most of them and your budget in a fraction of the time.

Pressure cookers retain nutrients and guarantee flavour

Not only do pressure cookers reduce cooking times significantly, which means they use less liquid, but the high-pressure steam cooking method also enhances the richness and natural flavours of food, especially lamb. Because the lamb cooks so fast, with very little moisture escaping, the flavours are so much richer and more developed.

The process ensures that lamb cooked in a pressure cooker is less likely to lose colour, flavour, minerals and vitamins due to evaporation or being diluted as commonly seen with food cooked in large quantities of water over extended periods of time. 

Pressure cooking reduces health-harming compounds

Pressure cookers help reduce cancer-causing compounds, as food is cooked under pressure with steam instead of over high direct heat. The steam also ensures the lamb will stay moist while being perfectly tender, rich and flavoursome.

Pressure cookers boost digestibility

The combination of steam and pressure can make even the toughest meats succulent and tender. And melt-in-your-mouth tenderness is a clear indication that food is going to be easy for your body to digest and the nutrients absorbed more easily, which is only beneficial to your health when protein-rich lamb is involved.

For more recipes, facts and tips for cooking with lamb, visit or @cooking_with_lamb on Instagram.

Supported by the Red Meat Industry of South Africa.