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What is mindful eating?

woman enjoying eating

If you’re looking to improve your lifestyle this year, mindful eating could be the answer. But, first, what is mindful eating? According to The Art of Mindful Eating: 7 Easy Exercises for Greater Health, Happiness and Peace of Mind, mindful eating is exactly that: eating consciously, with awareness of what you put into your body; tasting, savouring and appreciating your food, as opposed to “mindless eating”. It is the beginning of a holistic approach to becoming a better you.

Tips on how to eat mindfully

So how can you start eating more mindfully?

Mindful eating is not about what you eat, but how you eat.

Mindful eating is not the same as dieting

If you’re thinking “oh, no, I don’t want to start the new year with another diet”, don’t despair: mindful eating is not a diet. Here’s how mindful eating differs from following a strict diet:

Will you be trying a more mindful approach to eating in 2022? Let us know in the comments below!