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7 carrot cake recipes for International Carrot Cake Day

Are you on Team Carrot Cake? There are those who love this homey baked treat and those who loathe it. Perhaps the aversion stems from the fact that vegetables are used in cake mixture (gasp) and that just ain’t right, is it? No matter what mental block you have about carrot cake, one thing is for sure. It tastes frikken’ DELICIOUS!

Try one of these recipes and celebrate the spongy, nutty, cinnamon-y goodness with us. 

1. Classic carrot cake – an oldie but a goodie.

2. Cinnamon carrot cake – make this in a pretty ring tin for something special.

3. Pistachio carrot cake – the green nuts give this cake a brilliant colour explosion.

4. Carrot and banana cake – halfway to banana bread. But not quite.

5. Diabetic-friendly carrot cake – yes, diabetics can eat carrot cake too!

6. Wheat-free carrot cake – for those who are gluten intolerant.

7. Amarula carrot cake – Inject some Mzanzi flavour for a top notch treat.

Anyone know of a great Banting carrot cake? (We know carrots are on the orange list but a small treat won’t do any harm, will it?).

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