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6 things not to cook for a first date

I think there’s nothing sexier than a man
who knows his way around a kitchen.

An invitation to a new flame’s place for a
home cooked meal will have me raiding the lingerie drawer in a second.

But cooking for a fresh date can also go
horribly wrong – I won’t be quivering in anticipation when they’ve got a face
full of spaghetti sauce, or a wodge of spinach stuck between their pearly whites.

So how do you avoid the potential pitfalls
and choose a menu that’ll wow the pants off your hot new date?

Here are a few no-no’s that you should

Spaghetti slurp-fest

Most people love a good
pasta. It’s actually quite hard to mess up.

Perfect, right? Just don’t serve it with
spaghetti or linguini. Why? That twirl-it-on-a-spoon business is quite hard
unless you’re at least 50% Italian and you could end up with messy sauce-face.

Not so sexy.

Try this penne Alfredo, it
rocks and is super easy.

Too hot to handle

Chilli is an aphrodisiac –
it gets the blood flowing, increasing sensitivity, and releases endorphins that
put a rosy glow on our emotions. Great stuff right?

Nothing wrong with a bit
of a glow, but when it threatens to turn into spontaneous combustion, you’ve
gone too far. No one is going to want to get their freak on while their eyes are tearing, nose streaming and new
sweater wet beneath the pits.


Try this fragrant butter
chicken recipe
, it’s a winner.

Tough love

A really good steak can be
just the thing for a romantic date. A little bit of red meat can really get the
juices going. But tender is the only
way to go.

There is nothing worse than chewing your way
through a chunk of rubber while trying to have a bit of a chat. And come on guys, a sore jaw is not ideal now is it?

Wide load

Speaking of jaws, there is
a limit to how wide we can open ours, so if you’re going to get clever and do
some finger-food (which can be über-sexy,
just so you know), make sure bite size is based on our bite, not yours.

The puffy-cheeked chipmunk
look is so last season.

Try this salmon board or
these smoky garlic prawns for some inspiration.

Sharing is caring

If your menu features
garlic or raw onions you’d be wise to pay attention as to what passes the lips
of your object of affection.

If I ditch the onion, for the love of strawberries,
do the same.

The last thing you want (true story) is to sidle up next to your hottie after
dessert and whisper sweet nothings and onion breath… they’ll be out the door before
you can say breath mint!

If you can manage to avoid these rookie
mistakes, home-cooked date night is guaranteed to bump you up a place or two in my estimation. And if all else fails, just make sure you have plenty of wine.

What are the worst mistakes you’ve made,
cooking for someone you’ve dated? Or have you suffered on the receiving end of
a culinary nightmare date? Tell us your stories below!