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5 Banting breakfast ideas

We often hear from those following a LCHF lifestyle that breakfast seems to be one of the hardest meals to keep interesting because so many things are off limits – you can’t have toast, a muffin, a bowl of cereal or even a rusk!

Eggs are generally the standard go-to items to whip up, but let’s be honest… this is likely to get boring if you have them every. Single. Morning. Switch things up a bit with these easy low carb breakfasts.

Blistered berries

Although this recipe is also in our dessert section, there’s no reason it can’t be enjoyed as a breakfast. Bright berries brimming with antioxidants and Vitamin C will give you that get-up-and-go feeling!

Smoked mackerel with avo

This is a rich dish – which means you only need a small portion to fill you up. Mackerel is a great source of Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids which do wonders for your skin and keep the brain functioning at its best. Avocado adds a wonderful creamy texture and tastes even better when in season.

Roasted bacon and apple wedges

‘Bites’ that are perfect for transporting to work and nibbling at your desk. They not only make a great treat for little tummies, the sweet ‘n salty flavours are addictive. Be sure that your bacon is as preservative-free as possible. It may even be worth seeking out a butchery close to you that offers free-range, natural meat.

Low carb coconut porridge

It’s all about “mind over matter” when it comes to this option. If you enjoy a warm breakfast in winter, then you will love this take on a bowl of porridge. Just a few simple ingredients whisked together and then heated until you’re left with a texture similar to your favourite bowl of oats. Top with fresh berries and a few nuts to take it to the next level!

Mozzarella and mushroom omelette

An oldie but a goodie. Who can decline a good homemade omelette? The great news is that you can eat it for breakfast, lunch or dinner! It’s healthy, full of protein and don’t even get us started on the melting, gooey, cheesy Mozzarella…

Click here to see our list of top 10 low carb high fat recipes for banting.

And if you are wondering what on earth Banting is, read this article.