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11 all- time favourite square treats

Squares or slices sound like a rather odd name to give to a food item but it’s the general term given to those sliced-up tray bakes. Think muesli bars, crunchies, fudge hybrids and other sweet treats that also come in healthy alternatives.

Squares are easy to bake, and don’t have the pressure of the ultimate brownies or the anticipation of that perfect sponge cake. Also, they are are simply perfect with a cup of tea.

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Have a look at our top 9 all-time favourite baked squares:

1. Christa’s health squares


2. Peppermint crisp marshmallow squares

3. Lemon curd squares


4. Fudgy chocolate and marie biscuit squares

5. Fruit and almond squares

6. Chocolate and coconut squares

7. Pecan nut and chocolate splinter squares

8. Macadamia and cranberry chocolate squares

9. Immune boosting gluten free chocolate beetroot squares

10. Peanut butter and caramel slices

11. Peanut butter and caramel-toffee chocolate bars