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The food of the Netherlands

Clogs, tulips and huge mugs of beer. Get on your bicycle and let’s have some Dutch fun.

Regional food of the Netherlands Ranging from seafood to hearty beef dishes, fresh asparagus and an array of cheeses.

Dutch cheesesA wonderful description of all the beautiful Dutch cheeses.

Want to cook Dutch-style? Choose from any of these exceptional dishes…

Dutch pancakesPlate sized pancakes filled with just about anything.

Licorice30,000 tons of drop (licorice) is eaten every year in the Netherlands.

SpekkoekDutch-Indonesian layered cake.

SpeculaasCarmelised almond cookies.

AdvocaatBrandy, whipped cream and cocoa powder. To this day the Dutch prefer their Advocaat thicker than the rest of the world and here’s a recipe to make at home.

Stamppot A savoury delight.

Bruine bonen soep  – Broth with vegetables.

Mosselen in witte wijn  – Mussels in white wine.

Dutch meat ballsSomething meaty.

Throwing a Dutch-style party? click here to see Food24’s Dutch party menu!