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New Year’s food resolutions?

Welcome back everyone.

It’s 2013 and we’re still on this wonderful earth – no Mayan
apocalypses thankfully.

I had a wonderful break with my family, gorging on all the
good things in life. It was entirely happy-making, but my jeans seem to have
shrunk somewhat.

Do you think it was the eggs Bennies and croissants? Perhaps
the crusty bread and cheesy lunches? Hmmm. Maybe ‘twas the potato bakes and
piles of Quality Streets over Christmas. Shew, I really did have an extravagant festive
season. Delicious!

So onward to the New Year’s food resolutions. Don’t be shy, I know you have ’em.

The buzzwords at HQ right now are, ‘Be more healthy’,
Detox’ and ‘Dry month’.

I don’t think I could handle an entire dry month, I love my wine too much, but I am keen for a
little detox and lots of health.

I don’t believe in a major detox, it’s not realistic, safe
or fun. But there are some things you can do to cleanse your system and get rid
of some of the junk you’re sitting on.

1. Cut coffee down to 1 a day and drink more herbal

2. Drink ginger tea. It’s really easy to make at
work and you can drink it all day, it’s a lovely metabolism booster and body

3. Cut out all junk food. You can do it people, it’s actually quite awful stuff. Mostly made of
cardboard with seasoning.

4. Buy fresh ingredients and make your own salads
and veggie dishes. You can add some lean protein on the side.

5. Leave out the carbs at suppertime. It’s simple,
you just don’t need an energy injection a couple of hours before you lie down to

6. Try not to drink during the week and do some
exercise. These go hand in hand for me. I always feel so great after I’ve had a
spot of jump up and down, I don’t feel like drinking. Ok, more like most of the time.

It’s all about breaking the habit. Try the 21 day rule. If
you can break it in 21 days, you’ve done it.

We’ve got oodles of fresh summer recipes for you to try and
a whole health section to get some inspiration going.

Fill up your water bottles and let’s shrink some butt.