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Midweek recipe ideas for low carb cooks

The low carb movement has certainly evolved the way people in South Africa view their eating and nutrition. For all the Food24 low carb recipes click here.

And as much as we like to stick to the “everything in moderation” adage at Food24, we know there a many of you who do follow a low carb lifestyle and so these recipes are for you! Just some simple midweek inspiration to motivate you to change things up if you feel like you’re stuck in a menu rut (we’ve all been there).

Take the time to prepare a hearty breakfast – bacon nests with egg, spinach and feta. They’re cute little parcels of mouthwatering morning fuel!


For a savoury mid-morning or afternoon nibble, try these cucumber and cream cheese ‘sandwiches’. For extra protein, add some salty salami.

Now that the weather is sloooowly starting to warm up to Spring, we’re enjoying a few lighter dishes like this cauliflower tabbouleh salad with sour cream and beef bangers. Healthy, but filling!
Make your own version of chocolate at home with a fun and quick recipe. You only need 4 ingredients!

For more low carb recipes, click HERE and for our top recommended low-carb recipes click here.SaveSave