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5 Ways to cook with kale that will actually make you like it

(image: Deryn Macey/Unsplash)

ALSO READ: Summer-time snacking: 6 recipes that won’t derail your healthy eating 

Kale may not be everyone’s go-to green veg for a stir-fry or crispy salad, mostly due to its bitter taste and tough texture – but there are ways around this.

Massaging kale before you eat it 
Wash the kale and after rinsing it, massage the leaves with your hands. This will help in tenderising it and making it more palatable. Don’t be shy to add your dressing and massage the flavour into the leaves.

Always remove the stems
When eating raw, the stems are tough and chewy.

Don’t be afraid to cook the leaves
Kale wilts far less than spinach and can be great in soups, savoury bakes and eggs.

We’ve rounded up our best kale recipes for you to incorporate more of this wonderful leafy green into your cooking:

Shakshuka with kale and halloumi


Kale and rainbow Swiss chard frittata

Kale turmeric coconut soup

Kale pea and pasta frittata with chunky chimichurri pesto


Low carb chicken and kale dumplings in a spicy tomato broth


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