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5 milkshakes recipes to make you feel nostalgic

Milkshakes… what would life be without them? They’re coated in nostalgia and we are sure that you have at least one good childhood memory that involves this wondrously satisfying treat.

Back in the day milkshakes were fairly simple delights but they have a rather interesting history

“When the term ‘milkshake’ was first used in print in 1885, milkshakes were an alcoholic whiskey drink that has been described as a ‘sturdy, healthful eggnog type of drink, with eggs, whiskey, etc., served as a tonic as well as a treat.’ However, by 1900, the term referred to wholesome drinks made with chocolate, strawberry, or vanilla syrups. By the “early 1900s people were asking for the new treat, often with ice cream. By the 1930s, milkshakes were a popular drink at malt shops, which were the “typical soda fountain of the period… used by students as a meeting place or hangout.”

Nowadays milkshakes are quite elaborate works of art and a true feast for the eyes – just look at these extreme milkshakes and you’ll see what we mean.

Check out these recipes to get you started…

1. Strawberry milkshake

2. Chocolate milkshake

3. Pineapple milkshake

Black Forest milkshake

Bar One milkshake

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