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Survive the school holiday with these recipes up your sleeve

It’s that time of the year again… mid-year school holidays! I’ve chatted to a few colleagues this week who are parents and what I’ve come to realise that surviving Winter holidays with young kids is not for sissies.

Routine is thrown out the window, it’s cold (often raining), the children need to be entertained, ferried to and fro to various holiday-esque activities and friends houses, and their little tummies need to be fed. As much as I know that the temptation of a convenience, store-bought meal in plastic packaging sounds attractive to any working mom or dad, I encourage you to try and cook something from scratch this year.  

We’ve got loads of great ideas to get you started! Check out these 25 lunch ideas to keep kids’ tummies happy during the holidays or assemble the youngsters and have some holiday cooking fun in the kitchen.

Are your kids baking fans? Then I suggest you put them to work and have a look at these expert tips for baking with kids.

In fact – choose a day to put your feet up and let them do the cooking for a change. Here is our list of 20 things that even kids can make.

It’s also a great exercise in teaching them about healthy food choices. Speaking of healthy choices, take a look at our new sugar-free dessert recipes. They’re free of all refined sugar but still contains sweetness from natural whole foods.

And once the kids are all cooked out, treat them to a meal at their favourite restaurant. After all, it’s not called ‘holiday’ for nothing!