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Office party venues

Our offices are based in Cape Town and despite being surrounded by the most beautiful wine estates on earth, every live-long year we try and book our office Christmas party at The Grand beach Café. And every year someone beats us to it and every year we end up at La Med… (where we always have a great time). But what is with people’s obsession with the beach, sunshine, beers, cocktails… oh never mind.

Beach smeach is what I say now.

I went to Madame Zingara’s Theatre of Dreams about a month ago and for the 3rd time in a row it did not fail to impress me. This kind of dinner and show model was practically invented for corporate functions. Why not book the whole entire thing for an evening and everyone has a rocking good time and goes to work the next day hungover and happy? 


There’s a new kid on the block and it has exploded onto the scene in a Stellenbosch township. Last night Sam Wilson and I went to the media launch of AmaZink Live, and I don’t mind telling you, it was exceptional. It is perfect for a large group of people with an ample, yet cosy seating arrangement and an absolutely gorgeous outdoor area for intermissions (smoke breaks) and chilllaxing.

Read Sam’s full review of the dinner and the show and then do yourself a favour and book it!

Of course there are loads of other options for a year-end office function and that is what we’d like to know from you. We asked on Twitter and I was amazed at how many restaurants got back to me offering their services. Well done guys!

@whatsoneatery said ”give us a call – we’ll arrange something for you”
@GALBIrestaurant  tweeted “awesome venue for big groups. Fun and interactive and exciting”
@GOLDRestaurant boasted “try us – we are not afraid of 200 pax”

So it’s not just about sitting back and waiting for the bookings to flood in (unless of course you are The Grand).  Let’s be proactive about getting restaurants with the right facilities and capabilities on the radar.

Please let us know where you have had successful, no, make that awesome, office parties in previous years and send us their details by commenting on our Facebook page or tweeting us or emailing us the good old-fashioned way on

Feliz Navidad!