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Notting Hill turns 20: Check out our favourite food quotes from the movie

I was 12 years old when the movie, Notting Hill was released. The famous rom-com about William Thacker, a London bookstore owner falling in love with a high profile American actress. 

The movie celebrates its 20th anniversary this year (though it seems Julia Roberts hasn’t aged a second!) and although 1999 was a time before YouTube or even camera phones existed, after two decades I can still remember so many heart-warming quotes from the film. 

In honour of its 20th year,  I thought I’d take us all on a little trip down memory lane and share some of the best food quotes in the movie. 

Get ready to LOL! 

Spike: There’s something wrong with this yoghurt.

William: It’s mayonnaise.

Spike: Oh. 


Spike: Just going to the kitchen to get some food, then I’m going to tell you a story that will make your balls shrink to the size of raisins.


And arguable the most famous food scene in the movie… 

William: Would you like something to eat? Something to nibble? Apricots, soaked in honey? Quite why, no one knows, because it stops them tasting like apricots and makes them taste like honey… and if you wanted honey, you could just… buy honey. Instead of apricots. But nevertheless, they’re yours if you want them.


Anna: Wait, what about me?

Max: Sorry, you think you deserve the brownie?

Anna: Well, a shot at it, at least, huh?

William: Well, you’ll have to fight me for it- this is a very good brownie.


William: Would you like a cup of tea before you go?

Anna: No.

William: Orange juice? No, probably not… something else cold? Coke? Water? Some disgusting sugary drink pretending to have something to do with fruits of the forest?

Anna: No.

William: Do you… always say no to everything?

Anna: [thinks] No.


Anna: I am sure you guys didn’t mean any harm, I’m sure it was just friendly banter, I am sure you guys have dicks the size of peanuts. Enjoy your dinner, the tuna is really good. 


On a more personal level, do you recall what you ate 20 years ago? These are the things I remember munching on…

– Milky Lane waffles

– Potato puffs from the Spur Salad valley 

–  Melrose cheese triangles

-Zoo biscuits (when you could actually recognise the animals on them!)

– Holey Moley’s chocolates 

– Tuna Mates pasta from a box 

-Toffee apples

-Marie Biscuits topped with Treat Caramel 

Head to Twitter and tell us (@Food24) what you remember eating in 1999! 

Images via Notting Hill Movie Facebook