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It’s national soup day today!

There’s something about Winter that just makes me get all
homey and Martha Stewart-ish. I feel like donning a frilly apron, making stock,
chopping butternuts… well, let’s not go too far, I can’t do butternut skin.

What I love most is, staying in, cuddling up to a warm fire
with extra woolly socks on and inhaling bowls and bowls of steaming soup.

I make huge pots of the stuff so the windows steam up and
the whole house smells like roasted tomatoes and garlic or anything with

There’s even a whole diet for soup. The soup and wine diet –
have you ever? That’s so my diet of choice, I shall drink my dinner, get
tiddled and my cozzie will fit in Spring, how very peachy.

There are so many wonderful flavours and really, you could
basically make anything, blend it (or not) and eat it out of a cup. Have a look
at our top 10 soups of the moment and then make some chocolate soup for

Warm yourselves up from the inside people.

Love and extra large bowls,