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How to buy, portion and store meat for your family

Where to buy

Your local butcher may offer more variety and a better quality product than your retailer and it can be especially beneficial to build a relationship with them. Small butchers are often willing to advise on different cuts of meat as well as their best suited cooking methods.

What to buy

– Pre-packed cuts of meat such as minute steaks, lean mince, chicken breasts and fillets can cost up to 30% more than if you were to buy the same in bulk and portion it yourself.

– Some amazing cuts of meat such as short rib, whole rib-eye and pork belly are relatively inexpensive if you buy in bulk.

– When purchasing, look for freshness, a beautiful colour and marbling. Don’t forget to ask the butcher what else they have that is good and affordable, as you never know what they might have in the fridge.

Portioning and storing your meat

Once you’ve purchased your meat, it’s time to portion and store it in a way that best preserves and manages your stock. This will ensure that when you only need one steak or chicken breast, you don’t have to defrost the entire pack to get what you need. To store, you’ll need zip lock bags, cling film and a black permanent marker. Wrap portions in cling film, write the day’s date on it, name it and store it in the freezer.

– Portion beef fillet in sizeable steaks. For example, if you have a whole fillet, portion it in 200g medallions – about two fingers thick.

– Store chicken breast fillets in twos.

– Store mince in roughly 500g portions.

When buying meat, always ensure you buy cuts that are versatile and remember to look for bulk-buy wholesale deals.

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