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Eating (and drinking) for the Argus

Hi everyone,

It’s Argus mania down here in Cape Town and we’re all set for a smoking hot weekend.

We always make a big hoo-hah about the Argus at Food24 because, well, we just love how Cape Town shows off every year to impress the long and distinguished list of riders and supporters. Did you know that Richie Branson is riding it this year? I just love the way he rolls.. (I mean rides).

Oh, and our restaraurant ed Cath Shone is riding her 7th Argus, and this year she may just take up Cathy Marston’s challenge. Our fabulous wine editor has something special for the
riders who are not going for gold and just want a fun day. Take a look
at this stop ‘n dop article. We are not advocating drinking and biking, it’s just a bit of fun and more for the specatators really.

We’ve also got 100 pasta recipes for you to choose from for your carbo-loading feast. Lovely, simple stuff that’s packed with flavour too, so get out your pasta pots and enjoy.

Feel like a bit of a seriaas party? There’s the Cape Town Takeover Weekend with 5FM (cool ne?) where you can boogy ‘til dawn all weekend long. So long as you’re not riding the next day.

Don’t forget to book a table now if you’re keen on going to sample some of Cape Town’s fabulous carbo-loading restaurants… they’re filling up fast!

So here’s a great big GOOD LUCK from us all at Food24.

To smooth riding and a windless race.