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Drinking wine might be better for you than abstaining

Science repeatedly goes back and forth on the issue of wine.  You’ve heard that drinking wine is good for you but how much, how frequently and which varietals are questions that present themselves as often. 

Dr Kari Poikolainen, of the World Health Organisation, has the best answers for winos yet. He believes that drinking 3 glasses for women and 4 for men, a day, is actually pretty good for your health.

The Daily Mail UK and other leading sources quote Poikolainen as regarding heavy drinking as still detrimental to your health but those that drink moderately might be better off than those who abstain completely. 

While controversy may still surround the subject of how much is too much, or how little isn’t enough, you can heed the advice of Poikolainen with a full glass of wine in your hand.