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Could this be the ultimate Millennial treat? Give an emoji high five to avocado toast flavoured chocolate

(image: Compartes chocolatiers)

ALSO TRY: 5 Delectable avocado recipes

Compartes chocolatiers in Los Angeles, California are renowned for their frozen hot chocolate and handmade artisan chocolate bars. They’ve taken people’s love for avocado toast and chocolate, merging them into their latest creation: avocado toast flavoured chocolate.

Yes, you read correctly. This is not a drill. 

The chocolate bar is made from white chocolate that has been infused with actual avocado toast, to capture the exact flavour of the beloved toasted meal. They make use of white chocolate instead of milk or dark which – would overpower the avocado flavour.

Twitter reactions seem to be unfavourable – however the chocolatier’s sales say otherwise.

WATCH: 5 Things we bet you never knew about avocados


Avocado proposals are the next big thing and we’re not sure how we feel about it

Would you say ‘yes’ ? Image: iStock Avocados are God’s gift to us avo-loving folks but a ring INSIDE an avo and a proposal with tears and other cute lovey dovey things? Heaven! Avocados have infiltrated our timelines, our dinner tables, brunch plates….basically, they’re everywhere and avo aficionados are using the green beauty to ask their partners to spend forever with them.