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7 tips to bulk up autumn salads

Autumn salads are meant to be hearty and filling! They also tend to incorporate more robust flavours, textures and ingredients to match the season.

If you’re looking to bulk up a salad, or make one from scratch that’s worthy of autumn, here are our top tips:

1. Hearty greens

Kale, baby spinach, rocket, beetroot greens, broccoli greens – opt for hearty leafy greens. These hardier greens hold up well to robust toppings and provide nutritional value.

2. Grains

Incorporating cooked grains like quinoa, barley, sorghum, millet or wild rice adds texture and substance to the salad. These grains also provide a good source of carbohydrates and fibre, making the salad more filling.

RECIPE: Harvest board

3. Protein

Adding protein is essential if you’re looking to make a salad a satisfying one. Grilled chicken, cubed gammon, cooked mince, pulled pork, chopped-up chicken or pork schnitzel, boiled eggs, you name it – the more protein, the better!

4. Roasted vegetables

Try roasting butternut, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, Brussels sprouts or carrots. The roasting process enhances their flavours and adds a comforting element to the salad.

5. Crunchy morsels

Think crispy onion, croutons, crispy bacon, pancetta or Parma ham, nuts and seeds. Not only do these morsels add crunch, they add a ton of flavour and interest to salads.

RECIPE: Fresh plum pancetta and watercress salad

6. Tasty bits

Cheese and dried fruit. Options like feta, goat’s cheese or shaved Parmesan add richness and flavour, which contributes to the heartiness of the salad. Dried fruit, like cranberries, apricots or figs, adds a touch of sweetness and chewiness to balance out all the savoury elements.

7. Warm dressing

Consider using warm dressings like balsamic reduction or a warm bacon vinaigrette to add an extra layer of warmth and flavour to the salad. But don’t just stop at the warm dressing, for added comfort, make sure your roasted veggies, grains and protein aren’t fridge cold when serving the salad.