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3 easy iced lolly recipes

A lolly to make you jolly?

I know that my answer to that, is ‘count me in’.

There’s something eternally satisfying about iced treats in our gorgeously sweltering South African summers.

Here are a few more jolly lolly ideas to get your tastebuds going and keep the summer sizzle at bay. Enjoy!

The Chocolate and Banana One – See the recipe

1 banana, peeled and roughly mashed
1 x 250ml chocolate milk (store bought)

Blend the ingredients together until the mixture is fairly smooth, pour into the lolly moulds and place in the freezer until frozen.

The Berry Fizz – See the recipe

1 cup frozen mixed berries
1 can lemonade, or ginger beer
1 Tbsp chopped fresh mint, optional

Divide the frozen berries and mint between the lolly moulds, pour in the lemonade (you might not need to use the whole can) and place in the freezer until frozen.
The Tutti-Fruity See the recipe

1/2 cup ripe pawpaw
1 cup ripe pineapple
1 Tbsp chopped fresh mint
4 Tbsp any fruit yoghurt

Blend the ingredients together until the mixture is fairly smooth, loosening with 1-2 Tbsp water if necessary, and then pour into the lolly moulds and place in the freezer until frozen.

Note: All recipes make 4 lollies (in an average lolly mould)

Sarah Graham is author of Bitten and blogs with us on Food24.  Follow her on twitter @foodieliveshere.