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Why don’t we drink pig milk?

A U.S man wrote a letter to the Illinois Pork Producers’ Association, asking why people don’t consume pig’s milk. A Pork Quality Assurance Intern must have had some time on his hands because he sent a detailed reply.

Why consider drinking pig’s milk?

• Porcine are mammals and do lactate.

• One might assume that the milk would taste great, as it’s made of 8.5% fat in comparison to the 3.5% fat that makes up cow’s milk.

• Other components like lactose and water are in almost the same percentages.

• Pigs consume less feed per day than cows.

Why we don’t drink pig’s milk:

• A pig produces 5.9 kg of milk a day whereas a cow produces 29.4 kg.

• Pigs, unlike cows cannot become pregnant while lactating and therefore possess a severe economic problem to producers.

• Collecting the product would be extremely hard; pigs have, on average, fourteen teats, whereas a cow has four.

• Pigs differ from cows in their milk ejection time. A cow’s milk ejection is stimulated by the hormone, oxytocin, and can last ten minutes. A pig’s milk ejection time only lasts fifteen seconds.

• The technology of a 14-cupped mechanised milking machine that can milk a pig in fifteen seconds is not viable to pork producers.

You might not be frothing up a storm after reading this, but find out the best way to froth milk for your coffee, here.