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Who needs food?

From TechCrunch

Soylent, the seemingly wacky personal
of 24-year-old engineer Rob Rhinehart, is maturing into a
full-fledged business.’

What is Soylent?

‘It contains an assortment of
carbohydrates, amino acids, proteins and dozens of other vitamins that are
deemed medically necessary to for a person to live by the Institute of
Medicine, plus other modifications Rhinehart made through the testing process.

The company has been posting updates of
modifications to the Soylent formula, including changing the protein source to
a vegan one derived from a rice or pea protein isolate.’

How do you get it?

You just order it through the site, but you
would have to live in the US for now. It will cost you $65 for 1 week’s worth
of meals.

Imagine that, your food bill for 1 week is
R648 (2 Aug 2013). That’s really not bad (for a middle-class household) and Rhinehart suggests it’s a
very healthy product. No preservatives or colourants and Soylent adds
good-for-you minerals and vitamins.

It sounds perfect doesn’t it? Other than
the cold fact that it is a malty, bland tasting shake.

Would you be able to drink this as a food
replacement for the rest of your life?

Hm, I know I wouldn’t be able to, imagine
eating only 1 type of food for the rest of time? If I could choose, it
certainly wouldn’t be a tasteless drink. What would you choose?

Watch this video of Rhinehart talking about

Read more on TechCrunch.