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Weekend menu 14

The cold and wet weather is finally moving on, just in time for the weekend, so take off your gumboots and unbutton those raincoats. Let’s venture outdoors this weekend and visit local produce shops and markets; we are on a mission for fresh, fantastic food to entice our taste buds.


Even though the sun is beginning to peak through the clouds let’s not forget that it’s still chilly at night. Warm up the family with thick chunks of warm, buttery homemade bread dunked into a dark and robust oxtail soup.

Get up early, bundle up the loved ones and visit your local fresh food market. In Cape Town we have the Organic food market at the Old Biscuit Mill in Woodstock or the Stellenbosch Fresh Goods market, while in Joburg visit the Michael Mount Organic Market. For those in Durban visit the delightful Shongweni Farmers Market.

Walk around the stalls while snacking on delicious cinnamon and lemon pancakes, always tastier eaten out of greaseproof paper with the sticky sauce dripping onto your hands. Once home, with all your new ingredients and inspiration, put on your apron and whip up some delicious meals.

For lunch make vibrant and warm winter salads such as calamari, lemon and rocket salad or this crisp bacon and poached egg salad with warm orange dressing.

Let us not forget that it is Madiba’s birthday today, celebrate with a dinner of some of his favourite meals. For starters a creamy butternut soup
and then for the main meal do something simple and pop this little bird in the oven.

Roast chicken is the constant staple in every family cookbook, and a recipe that will remain so for years to come.

According to Mandela’s daughter Zindzi, he also allows himself the occasional sweet indulgence, so end off your meal with some chocolate ice cream balls.
Happy birthday Madiba!

Start your Sunday off with a rejuvenating bowl of fruit salad and delicious berry buttermilk muffins.

As the weekend and holidays draws to an end, invite family and friends over and enjoy your last hours of freedom with a traditional braai. Throw some sticky chicken wings and wors on the coals, then do something a little different with this coleslaw and pickled ginger salad and a warm aubergine salad. Round off the meal the essential garlic bread.
