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Watch: World’s first plastic-free supermarket aisle

(Image: iStock)

In an effort to reduce the hazardous environmental footprint, many
supermarkets and chain restaurants have chosen to go plastic free.

So instead of plastic straws, restaurants and fast-food
joints have adopted straws that are bio-friendly in order to stop damaging the
environment. Read more about restaurants that say no to straws here.

A trend that has quickly caught on social media too.

Love this! It’s simple choices that you can make to make a difference. * * * *#JoyfulVegan #plasticfreejuly #zerowastelife #zerowaste #plasticfree #ecofriendly #zerowasteliving #vegan ??: @eggoftheuniverse

2,419 Likes, 45 Comments – Colleen Patrick-Goudreau (@joyfulvegan) on Instagram: “Love this! It’s simple choices that you can make to make a difference. * * * *#JoyfulVegan…”

Well, a supermarket in the Netherlands has an aisle that is
completely plastic free.

And the bonus is that consumers don’t have to pay an
additional price for getting their food in the environment-friendly packaging.

You can read all about the plastic-free movement here.

Are you partaking in the plastic-free movement, let us know in the comments below.


International city is first to ban the sale of plastic water bottles

San Francisco sets precedent as major U.S. city to outlaw the use of small plastic water bottles. An ordinance to ban the use of plastic water bottles, in the U.S. city of San Francisco, was unanimously approved by the San Francisco Board of Supervisors.