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WATCH: 8 Fun chocolatey facts you never knew

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ALSO READ: How much do you really know about chocolate?

We live, breath and absolutely love chocolate, I know some of us can’t go a week without having some. But there is so much more to this smooth, satisfying candy. Did you know that hot chocolate was the first chocolate treat According to Mental Floss, cacao was brewed many, many years ago in both Mexican and Aztec culture, although the taste was nothing like the hot chocolate we enjoy today.

Watch this video for more impressive chocolate facts…

This gives us even more reason to value chocolate!


4 Heavenly homemade hot chocolate recipes to keep you snug this season

Hot chocolate is the comforting, creamy, cocoa beverage that solves all problems from being cold to having a bad day. (image: iStock) If The Big Bang Theory’s Sheldon Cooper deems it standard to have a cup of hot chocolate when outraged or angered, we can say that this is the ultimate go-to comfort sip.