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Vin-atics winners

Vin-atics! is in full swing, and like we promised you, the first 25 people to have signed up to our fabulous new wine club have won a 2010 Platter’s wine guide. What better prize for a wine fundi?

If you are reading this and you still haven’t signed up to our cork-poppingly awesome wine club then please do so now and make sure you don’t miss out on the fun we’ll be having in April.

So without further ado, the winners:
Dominique Brown

Idara Essien


Nicola George

Claire Davidson

Stacey Lamb

Kilfoil House

Claire Fraser

Jean Wethmar


Katja Goebel

Clare Hart-Davis

Deb Naughton

Daniella Lupini

Lesley Upton Cullender

Sune de Vos

Paul Bedford

Joelle Brisland

Claire O’Doherty

Erika Bornman

Kirsten Roesch


David George

Congratulations guys and girls, we hope you enjoy both perusing it’s pages and exploring South African wine with’s wicked wine pages.