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Truth Coffee: The best coffee shop in the world

Well known travel journo Tom Midlane  wrote the below sentence on Microsoft’s popular MSN Travel segment on the 25th September. And then an entire article about it.

‘The best coffee shop in the world. Truth Coffee Shop: daring to be different.’

How wonderful and exciting? The amazing TRUTH coffee HQ, in our beautiful Cape Town, on a platform like that. But it truly deserves it right? I mean just look at the interior!

Have you tasted the coffee at TRUTH? It’s mind-blowingly great. Not even to mention Professor Jones’ Fabulous Coffee Bean Contraption, Colossus the great and the out-of-this-world interior.

Truth Coffee is Steampunk HQ, a coffee cult and a definite destination on everyone’s list across all continents. (What is steampunk? – urban dictionary)


The marvelous coffee machine (affectionately named ‘Colossus’) is a lumbering cast-iron barrelled Probat. She’s the center of attention, that whisks you away to an era of grunge industrial machinery with the sounds of her gentle rumble and roasting.

Even if you don’t drink the juice, ‘Colossus’, centered in the midst of the copper and coffee, is reason enough to stop and stare.

Carefully and creatively noting on the similarities between coffee roasters, espresso machines and the steampunk aesthetic, interior designer Haldane Martin, steered the coffee shop’s eccentric decor and styling to this Goth-like time influenced by the imagery of nineteenth-century heavy industry.

Coffee has always been cool, but it is officially off the charts hot with Truth Coffee daring and different making everyone crave a cuppa.

We heart you TRUTH coffee.