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Tortoises & Tumbleweeds

Tortoises & Tumbleweeds (Journey through an African Kitchen) traces the origins of the people who have made their home at the southern tip of Africa and takes the armchair traveller on a picturesque taste-trip through the countryside.

A kaleidoscope of colours, creeds and social backgrounds makes up the South African nation, creating a complex society and a patchwork of lifestyles and food styles. Our unique culinary,cultural and human history means that some recipes are based in tradition while others are freely filched from neighbouring countries and the Indian Ocean Islands.

Dishes that define the South African table – rustic and refined, wholesome and hearty, simple and spicy – are inspired by early cookbooks as well as folk who opened their hearts, homes and huts to Lannice on her journeys of research over many years, trips that introduced her to
a broad spectrum of cooks, bridged all culinary divides and enthralled and enriched her.

In Tortoises & Tumbleweeds, Lannice puts it all into the melting potjie, flavours it artfully and imbues each page with a personal stamp of finesse.

Some recipes are true to their origins; others reflect a fusion of flavours; many are rooted in the mists of time. All are personal favourites that have been updated for the modern kitchen.

Giveaway & Exclusive Offer
We are giving away one signed copy of this book please send your details to us to be entered into the draw. If you’ve entered the draw you’ll also be able to buy the book for R250 (including postage) instead of paying the full retail price of R325.50. The giveaway ends on 12 November 2008.

Exclusive Preview
Lannice has also kindly supplied Food24 readers with two exclusive recipes from the book before it is launched nationally.

Try her recipes for Fish Frikkadels with Rougail and Banana fritters, today!