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Tips and tricks for the best gravy

For me a roast isn’t worthwhile without rich gravy and
Yorkshire puddings to suck up all that deliciousness.

Here are some simple tips on how to prepare 500ml of tasty, meaty gravy.

Tips for a good gravy:

Lamb or beef gravy:

1. Preheat
oven to 200°C.  Roast 500g lamb or beef bones
with 3 sliced carrots, 1 roughly chopped onion and 1/2 stick chopped celery and a bulb of garlic sliced in half lengthways, until brown and caramelized
(+- 45 min – 1 hour).  Add a few sprigs
of rosemary or thyme – optional.

2. Add 2 L water or good quality prepared stock (Nomu lamb or beef concentrate or you can make your own) and roast in the oven for
+- 30 minutes.

3. Strain
the stock from the veggies and bones. Squash the soft cloves out of the
garlic bulb and mash into the stock.

4. Place stock into a deep pan and reduce by simmering uncovered for +- 25
minutes. This concentrates the flavour nicely.

5. If needed,
make a paste with 2-5 ml corn flour and whisk into the reduced stock over the
heat until thickened to desired consistency. Season to taste.

6. In
the end you will be left with 500 ml of
awesome gravy!

Chicken gravy:

Roast 6 wings and/or
chicken necks with 3 sliced carrots, 1 roughly chopped onion and 1/2 stick chopped celery and a bulb of garlic sliced in half lengthways, until brown and caramelized.

Continue with step 2 – 5 to make your 500 ml of
awesome gravy!

Tips to make your gravy even more luscious:

– Add a dash or butter or cream at the end to
richen it up.

– Add a few whole peppercorns or even coriander
seeds to the stock for a nice bite (great with lamb or beef).

– Add some mint jelly to the stock when reducing
to make your lamb gravy taste like Sunday roast.

– Add some apple or cranberry jelly to your
chicken or roast pork gravy.

– A bit of dried tarragon in chicken or roast pork
gravy is a winner.

Try my amazing Yorkshire puddings to serve with your delicious roast and gravy.