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The Steak of the Nation address: what you can braai for your country

South Africa’s most well-known braaier has hit YouTube with a ‘Steak of the Nation’ address.

In the speech he covers the spectrum from saving electricity for Eskom by braaing on 24th September 2014, National Heritage Day, to challenging DA leader Helen Zille to a braai.

According to @janbraai’s twitter account the video has gone viral with more than 8000 views.

The address encourages all South Africans unite around a fire, wave the national flag proudly and braai like champions on National Heritage Day.

If Jan Braai’s speech puts you in the mood to braai then take a look at our awesome braai recipes hub, where we have you covered from  braai meat marinade to potato salads, to corn on the cob!

Watch it below:

Follow @janbraai on twitter as he and some fellow braaiers enjoy the National Braai Tour this week!