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Stop what you’re doing: a diet avo has been launched


The avocado craze might be getting substantially more prevalent with a new variety on the market. A Spanish food company, Isla Bonita, of Eurobanan, has unveiled its latest invention: a new breed of avocado with all the nutritional benefits, while holding 30% less fat, and its own official name: Avocado Light.

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With the Banting trend and the general embracing of so-called ‘healthy fats’, people have been attaching avo to just about any dish, or centering meals on the ingredient itself (those avo bun burgers come to mind). It’s far-reaching social popularity has justified its excessive intake, and made it very likely that an entire generation will be remembered in part for its glorifying of this beautifully rounded green fruit. 

(Isla Bonita Facebook)

The fact is, we are technically not supposed to be devouring a whole avo in one go. According to The BBC, the correct serving size of avo translates to 1 half of the fruit, as guided by the NHS. The Avocado Light would therefore allow us to consume more avo while keeping within health regulations, and who could possibly argue with that? The benefits don’t end there with Fruitnet stating that Avocado Light ripens quicker and has a slower rate of oxidation. Isla Bonita also claim that the fruit has a juicier and lighter pulp, making it ideal for smoothies and soups.

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The company states on their site: ‘The Avocado Light is not genetically modified, but is the result of the race, species and growing conditions of certain tropical zones.’ The avo species is one that is mainly consumed in Latin America and grows according to specific climate and soil conditions. Isla Bonita guarantees the fruit’s natural quality and it’s exclusion of any GMO processes. 

For now the Avocado Light will only be available in Spain, but if it takes off in the region, its likely the fruit will spread as fast as its predecessor.

Would you be interest in a lighter version of the adored avocado? Let us know in the comments section below.