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Sexy times food tips

The Aztecs believed that chocolate was a luxury because of its aphrodisiac qualities, and their Emperor would drink 50 cups of chocolate a day to increase his sexual abilities.


Probably one of the most well known aphrodisiacs, these slimy little buggers might turn your partner off instead of on. So for those who can’t stomach oysters, deep-fry them in crumbs and serve with a whole lot of dipping sauces.

Scratch the bananas

Some may be turned on by the phallic appearance of cucumbers, asparagus and bananas, but you may want to leave these in the vegetable drawer. You don’t want to give your partner a “little fella” complex, and why set yourself up for disappointment.

Wee chilli winky
Turn up the heat and get your lover’s blood boiling with a Chilli Willy curry. This will be sure to make him laugh and keep him in the right mindset.

Home is where the heart is
Steal some of the mother-in-law’s recipes (if you are brave enough) and melt his heart with boyish memories of home.

Awake the inner cave-man
You can’t go wrong with meat; a juicy steak with roast potatoes and cheese or mushroom sauce. His taste buds will be singing and dessert can be in the bedroom.

Kick-start his libido
Cook up a delicious basil pesto pasta, apparently the scent of basil makes men loony with lust. The delicious smelling cardamom is said to be a great aphrodisiac which treats impotency in men.

Food for two
Share a platter of finger food and tapas… no cutlery allowed, there is nothing more sexy than feeding one another.

Sexy sushi
We all love sushi, but I bet your partners would love it even more if they got to eat it off your body. Make yourself the platter and allow your partner the pleasure of using his chopsticks, just be careful where you put the wasabi!

Icky sticky
Don’t cover yourself in honey or any sticky substance; it never comes off and you will just feel sticky and icky the entire evening. Unless you want to be stuck to your partner, then make like a bee and honey it up.

Doggie style
Imitate one of the most romantic movies of all time, and share a big bowel of spaghetti and meatballs together, ala Lady and the Tramp.

Morning quickie

Get your partner revved up in the morning with a smoothie containing ginger. The scent and the wonderful ability of ginger to kick-start your circulatory system will get your partner raring to go.

Desperate times
If nothing seems to be working, you can always cover yourself in a whipped-cream bikini, with cherry nipples. You will be fighting him off.
