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PARTNER CONTENT: 8 ways to keep your spirits high while in self-isolation

Take time to clean your home, declutter and refresh your space

A 2010 study published in the scientific journal Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin used linguistic analysis software to measure the way 60 individuals discussed their homes. Women who described their living spaces as “cluttered” or full of “unfinished projects” were more likely to be depressed and fatigued than women who described their homes as “restful” and “restorative.” The researchers also found that women with cluttered homes expressed higher levels of the stress hormone cortisol.

Move More

Regular exercise and physical activity have been consistently proven to be beneficial in improving overall health and well-being. It also aids in the prevention and reduction of many adverse health outcomes, including mental health, such as depression and cognitive function.

Do a hobby, or start a new one

Taking time to engage in an enjoyable activity can help benefit your overall health. Some hobbies can keep you active, require creativity stimulation and even strengthen your relationships, if they include others. Studies have even found that practicing hobbies like painting, puzzles, calisthenics and meditation calms your mind.

Connect with what and who is around you

The demands of daily living can take a toll on our connections and time spent with the ones around us. Lockdown is an excellent time to work on strengthening your relationships. Share your thoughts and express how you feel to others. If you’re having a solo lockdown, you have the privilege of connecting to yourself and developing practices of self-development like through meditation or journaling.


Netflix, movies, and TV are some ways to entertain yourself and provide some downtime/stimulation. But don’t forget about those books, articles, and journals you’ve been putting off reading. Now is the perfect time. Reading not only provides entertainment, but it has also proven to improve the functioning of the brain, sharpen memory, increase vocabulary and, if you do it before bed, has been shown to improve sleep condition.

Grow something!

These 21 days offer an excellent time period in which to learn how to grow your own food. Luckily there isn’t much of a space problem, as herbs and veg can also grow in boxes or smaller planter boxes on balconies – even indoors, with the right amount of light. Start saving seeds and learning how to begin the seedling process. Books and websites are your friends. It is an incredibly fun activity to get young and old hands involved. Plus, it’s so satisfying when you’re able to eat something you’ve grown yourself. Besides… the planet needs more plants!

Up-skill yourself

It usually feels like we never have enough time. But now that we’re in lockdown, self-isolation makes for a great time to learn a new skill or improve on a skill you’ve already acquired. Yes, it may be slightly restricted to your facilities, but the internet is vast and there are a bunch of online universities that have opened up free online courses. 

Learn how to cook!

Food is and always will be one of the primary needs of all creatures. That means cooking is actually an essential survival tool to equip yourself with. Extra points if you can make it taste good, too! 

B-well is passionate about healthy and delicious food, especially ones with Omega-3 for that extra anti-inflammatory, immune-system boost! That’s why they’ve created fun health hacks, delicious food and meal recipes, and informative cooking videos for you to enjoy and empower yourself and your health with B-WELL. Find all the goodness on Facebook or Instagram. You can also download their free cookbooks here. Happy cooking and creating for your soul.