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Open letter to Woolworths – a loyal customer challenges Woolworths on their GMO and organic labeling

Caroline Hurry, founder of Travel Write, has written a cutting open letter to Woolworths. See the original letter here.
She asks some interesting questions about GMO foods, free-range and organics and why they are still present in Woolies products today.
What is GMO food?

It stands for genetically modified organisms and is simply food that has been genetically engineered by changing its DNA, to make it ‘better’.
Examples are seedless lemons, aubergines that are not bitter and virus resistant squash. The first genetically modified plant was produced in 1983, using an antibiotic-resistant tobacco plant. Cash crops like corn and canola have been extensively changed to yield larger crops.
But are they harmful? There is a lot of literature to say they are. Read all about superweeds and organ failure. I warn you, it’s pretty scary.
I believe we should eat the most natural ingredients and unprocessed of foods and man-made fiddling is just the beginning of the end. But then again, I’m not responsible for the feeding of nations.

I can see the other side and was rather impressed with the creation of golden rice. Scientists genetically modified a food to increase its nutrient value for the first time – about bloody time really. They fortified white rice with beta-carotene (Vitamin A), to be grown and consumed in areas where there is a deficiency of Vitamin A – a deficiency which is estimated to kill 670,000 children under the age of 5 each year.
Read extracts from Caroline’s open letter and comment below to give your opinion:
‘You were one of the first chains to sell cruelty-free toiletries and in 1999 you vowed that you would not sell produce containing GMOs. “
“I become a loyal customer for those reasons alone. So what happened? Today your bread contains the second highest GM content (85.62%) in the country and most of your food is riddled with GMO, even as the Chinese army bans ALL GMO  grains and oils.
Consumers are signing petitions like this and voicing their dismay on facebook here but when we express our concern to you directly, we get the standard PR babble prabble: “Our labels comply with labelling legislation and regulations and we will gladly comply with any changes to government guidelines on labelling of GMO.” Or the Woollies knuckle rap: “Repetitive posts are considered spam. Repeat offenders may be reported and blocked for the sake of the community.” ‘
Read her full letter here.

Let us know your thoughts.