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No, you can’t substitute olive oil with cannabis oil in your cooking

First there was kale, then there was turmeric and now, there is CBD. Health food trends seem to outdo themselves every year and though we might fight the hype at first, there are a lot of positive benefits to incorporating these super ingredients into your diet.  As a result, kale salads are now the norm, and sipping on a turmeric-based moon milk before bed has been proven to aid sleep, and yet, CBD seems to be stumping even the most open minded of us. What exactly is CBD? Is it even legal? How do I consume it? Will I get high? These are just some of the questions we’ve been asking ourselves, so we did some research to find out all about this supposed new miracle food.

What is CBD?

CBD stands for cannabidiol, and is the second highest active ingredient in marijuana. The most active is THC or tetrahydrocannabinol, which is the compound that promotes a psychoactive effect otherwise known as that high feeling. CBD however, is known as a non-psychoactive cannabinoid compound, meaning it’s totally legal and won’t make you high.

Why the big hubbub?

Despite weed mostly being known for its psychoactive abilities, there are a whole host of positive side effects linked to smoking the occasional joint. Interestingly, a lot of these benefits come from that hardworking CBD compound, and so CBD has been credited with all the therapeutic qualities of marijuana, without any of the high. Studies conducted so far have shown that CBD can reduce chronic pain and inflammation, aid in managing anxiety and depression, epilepsy and even improve sleep quality or insomnia. The key to maximizing these benefits, however, is to consistently take CBD, and over time you’ll notice these improvements – despite being some kind of miracle superfood, you can’t expect results overnight.

How can you take CBD?

The compound can either be ingested, inhaled or used topically by being rubbed directly onto the skin. When eaten, the sky is the limit – the oil version can be incorporated into everything from brownies to chocolate to smoothies and even gummy sweets and cocktails. You can also opt to take it daily, almost as you would a supplement, in capsule form. How you choose to use it is entirely personal, yet it’s worth knowing that eating it will ensure a longer, slower release, while inhaling it (in the form of a spray or vape, for example) means you’ll feel the hit sooner, but that the effects won’t last as long, or have a compounding effect in the long term.

How to cook with CBD:

CBD oil is fairly easy to source now, and if you like the idea of constant, sustained use then you might want to look into adding it to your food. But hold up before you start subbing CBD for olive oil, be aware that warming the oil can increase its effectiveness, but heating it too high (to a heat that would, for example, cook your food) will kill all of its effective compounds. You can, however, add it to finished plates of food or dressings, as well as morning smoothies. Make sure you taste your oil, though, as it can have a strong, vegetal flavour. 

ALSO READ: Snoop Dogg’s recipe book was released just in time to assist with the munchies after the lifted legislation on Marijuana usage in South Africa

Important notice: This article does not constitute medical advice. Always consult with a licensed doctor before beginning a new eating plan or supplement. 

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