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Meals on speed

My friend said to me the other night, as we were hastily driving from one event to another while refreshing our make-up and inhaling packets of Steers’ chips; “It’s a pity I’m not going to remember eating these little crispy pieces of heaven coz’ I’m too busy concentrating on driving to remember tasting the chips.”

I turned to look at her, with said chips halfway to my mouth (how they got there I have no clue), while on my cellphone to another friend, and realised that she was completely right.

My epiphany
I am never not doing something while I am eating, and before I realise it my meal is over and I can’t even remember tasting it, let alone actually raising my fork and reminding myself to chew. I am like a robot on auto pilot when I eat, my mind constantly distracted by more important tasks: working in front of the computer, driving from one event to another, reading a book or watching TV. Without even realising it I have finished my meal and have not taken any pleasure in it.

Even when eating out with friends I am always busy listening to the latest skinner or trying to catch everyone up on my daily stories. When I eventually look at my plate everything is gone without me having actually tasted the food. This after having laboriously gone through the menu deciding what meal would be the perfect end to my day. I might as well order Pronutro and save myself the money.

I realise that I have forgotten to savour my food, let my meal distract me from life’s complications. Smell the aroma, become seduced by the flavour of different combinations and feel perfectly satisfied after that last drop of gravy has been soaked up by that piece of fresh bread.

Food has become an afterthought in my busy schedule when it used to be the only thought.

My problem
You would think this would help the ‘diet’ that I constantly put myself on, but unfortunately the lack of knowing what I put into my mouth parallels the lack of care in what I am eating. If it keeps me full and gives me enough energy to function I eat it. This means that the quick fixes of chocolates, chips and pies that might keep my sugar levels up for a while are combating the single healthy apple that manages to pop into my mouth. This ignorant consumption of unhealthy meals has taken its toll on my once manageable love handles, now I’m lucky if my ‘fat jeans’ fit me.

To combat my ever increasing belt notch
I have decided to make sure I take pleasure in what I eat. I will sit down to eat with no distractions to interrupt the courtship with my meal. I will chew my food slowly savouring each mouthful. I will take time to cook different (and healthy) meals, in order to appreciate food even more. Maybe my scale will appreciate me more.

Do your meals disappear without you even tasting them? Let us know.