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Is the volcanic ash doing us a favour?

So we’ve all heard about the lurid cloud of volcanic ash
that is hanging over Europe. What a pa-lava.

Fabulous for the lucky travelers who get to stay in
beautiful  SA with a few more days of
their hols. Dire for others who have no more cash, but hey, there are much worse places to be.

Some happily stranded friends had a lovely dinner the other
night and guess what was on the menu?

Tuna, fresh tuna, bought off the boat in Kalk Bay that day tuna… whole. And for R250 for the fish
and it was massive. A rarity indeed. I have given up buying it as it has become
stupid expensive.

We were all grinning from ear to ear as we sucked down deep
pink sashimi for starters and the beautifully
rare steaks for mains, webered on the lovely warm fire in the back.

Why so cheap? We think the tuna was also scheduled to fly
to foreign shores but also missed its connecting flight and was rescued by a
friend in Kalk Bay. I’m positive it much preferred being guzzled in its home
town rather than in some faraway place.

So get your asses down to Kalk Bay and any other fishing harbours, my feelings
are that there are a few more days left of this lucky break.

I realise that this is just the tip of the glacier that is
the crisis of export that has come to a grinding halt all over the world, but
hey, why not take advantage?

Any other explosive deals going?