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Instagram has a new food obsession and you need to try it


Just when the we thought the beast of Instagram food fads had resided to hibernation, the last couple days have opened our eyes to the latest trend: cloud eggs. Now before you eye roll at yet another over-photographed and overrated meal, the cloud egg is actually kind of cute and because it’s so easy, you’ll probably feel an urge to try your hand at them over weekend breakfast.

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Cloud eggs get their name, of course, from their cloud-like appearance. The egg whites are fluffed up and shaped, and the yolk is punctuated against the white to symbolise the sun. The egg creation will certainly have you feeling like a child again, or they could be a useful way of getting opposed kids to eat their eggs.

Here’s how they are made:

Separate the egg whites from the yolk and whip the whites until they create stiff peaks just like you’d whip meringue. Then place the whites onto a greased baking tray, and shape into a rounded cloud, and make sure their is a shallow hole for the yolk.

Bake on 230°C for about 5 minutes and then remove from the oven and carefully add the yolk. Place the egg back into the oven and bake for a couple more minutes until it looks ready.

You can also experiment with other ingredients that can be added to the whites, just like you’re making an omelette.

#cloudeggs #eggs on #toast for #lunch #foodporn #trendyfood #eggsinacloud

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