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How to start your own office lunch club

Do you work in an office? And if so, does your office have a usable kitchen? Chances are it doesn’t come with an oven or a fancy gas hob but hopefully there’s a decent microwave, fridge and possibly a toaster of sorts.

The whole what-to-eat-for-lunch conundrum is one that simply never ceases to arise especially if the D word is involved (diet). To buy lunch? (What to buy?, how much should I spend?), Bring leftovers from home? (What if I don’t feel like the leftovers at lunchtime?). It seems silly that these thoughts things run through a person’s head but they do. Which is why the popular office “lunch club” is a growing trend.

How does it work?

Basically, you find a group of friends or colleagues at work who have similar likes/dislikes or eating style as yourself. The idea is that you each take turns buying ingredients and making lunch for the other members of the group on a specified day of the week – eg Tuesday.  You also have the option to make the lunch at home for everyone beforehand but this obviously requires some prior planning.

The only downside is that you might not really be in the mood for what someone else is cooking. But – they are many upsides…

1. You make healthier choices in the long-term
2. You save a ton of money
3. It allows you to step away from your desk or computer for a few minutes during the day and socialise with your club members.
4. It gives you inspiration for what you might like to cook at home for the family

The next point is that one needs a few basics to get started.

Here are a few utensils you will most likely need to have in your office kitchen:
Sharp knife
Tin opener
Chopping board

It’s also a good idea to start the month off by purchasing all the “long-life” ingredients or condiments you might need.

Nut butter

Dry goods
Tinned tuna
Tinned soup
Tinned chickpeas

Olive oil
Lemon juice
Balsamic vinegar
Lemon juice
And don’t forget the salt and pepper!

Keep all these in a safe, dry place. All that’s left is to purchase the fresh stuff.

Here are some recipes that might motivate you to start your own lunch club this month!

Thai chicken and veggie noodle salad (great for Banters!)

Golden fried halloumi and courgette salad

Curried cauliflower soup

Crustless red onion and mushroom quiche

Beef and cheese stuffed potatoes

Bacon-topped chicken and spinach meatloaf

Scotch eggs

Ostrich cottage pie with butternut mash

Spicy mushroom nachos

Portable tapas bar

Yours in crowded water-coolers and office gossip,
