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Halloween fun!

It’s scary out there people.

The world economy popped and now we’re feeling the pinch…
big time. Food is expensive and eating out a joke unless there’s a special
thank garlic for those – and life in general feels a lot like those dreams
where I keep running on the spot and don’t get anywhere.

It’s time for some holiday cheer! And before you slap me, I’m
not going anywhere near Christmas… yet, it’s all about Halloween. Now that I
have kids, it’s clear that it’s another one of those cool occasions to eat
sweets, dress up and generally make a fuss.

When life deals you lemons, look to the little people, they
find the sugar in everything.

So on that happy note, here are a few fun Halloween ideas
and recipes to get started:

–   Make a pumpkin face: we don’t have the same kind
of pumpkins as the beautiful orange one’s in the States. Use a watermelon as
the South African version (how cool?) – you can use the watermelon fruit for a
delicious punch.

–   Take a look at our awesome blogger FoodandtheFabulous, she’s got some great ideas for easy décor that will transform your
home quickly.

–   I’ve put together a smashing Top 10 Halloween
for you to get the creative juices flowing.

–   Dress up! Have some people over for a simple bring
and braai and share the fun of the occasion.
And if you’ve got kids go trick or treating, you can act like a child again – we
all need to do that once in a while right?

–   Make a big bowl of Nuclear punch and float plastic
spiders and eyeballs in it from the crazy store.

–   Wrap pork sausages in puff pastry leaving the
sausage to stick out about an inch. Poke 2 cloves into the sausage as ‘eyes’. Bake
in an oven at 180 °C until the pastry is cooked (about 10-15 mins). They come out the cutest little
mummified sausages.

I blogged about these here.