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Gordon Ramsay Dinner – official response

It’s come to our attention that a number of guests at the Gordon Ramsay Charity Dinner at Maze, One&Only Cape Town, were disappointed by the event on Friday 14 May.
Gordon Ramsay, the One&Only and Gourmet SA would like to apologise to these guests, and would like to address the following concerns:
1.  Some guests had to queue to be seated

Those guests who were not seated at a table will be given a full refund.
2.  The red wine ran out

The red wine which was paired with the dinner menu did run out, however One&Only immediately started serving a similar red wine from their own cellar so no guests went without wine, red or white.
3.  Gordon Ramsay disappointed guests by not being visible enough on the evening and leaving before the Q&A session.
Having completed a thorough investigation of the evening, it is apparent that two of the guests sneaked into the kitchen, with cameras,  and were harassing Gordon. This coupled with television cameras and microphones upset Gordon and his team during service of the menu, and with his well known fiery personality, he left the venue.

On behalf of Gourmet SA, One&Only Cape Town and Gordon Ramsay, we again apologise to all our customers. We always warmly invite feedback and if you would like to be in touch with me further about the event, please email me on