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Food24 goes global!

Yesterday, when @food24 started tweeting joke movies with food in the title it caught on Twitter like a veld fire. It wasn’t long before #foodmovies started to trend on SA twitter, and then, AWESOMELY, in the world.

People were tweeting #foodmovies in Russian, for Pete’s sake. And now it made it on to Huffington Post.

Isn’t it grand when our SA games get global recognition? And thank you all for playing!

Here’s a list of some of our favourites:

9 1/2 Leeks @Seenmamba

Pies wide shut @IwanP

Star Wors (too many tweeps to credit)

Queasy Rider @GreenGorilla97

Dude where’s my carbs? @TyronLSA

The Postman always brings rice @MrsStephenFry

The Fridges of Madison County @KerryHaggard

I know what you braaied last summer @watkykjy

Pap Fiction @braaiboy

Dead Poet’s Sosatie @braaiboy

Who Flamed Roger Rabbit @designindaba

Love in the Time of Cauliflower @choc_milk

Romancing the Bone @liliradloff

Folks – there are SO many funnies – go and check it out yourselves! #foodmovies
