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Eat your Instagrams

Some serious eye candy from an article by The Atlantic caught our attention.

Edible Instagrams.

The U.K. firm Boomf is using marshmallows as the picture pathway to your palate.

For £12, or about R200, the company will send you a box of 9 square-shaped marshmallows, with each treat featuring images you’ve selected from your Instagram library.

The company notes that the resolution may not be ‘Retina display’, but they’re perfectly passable as pictures, because Instagrams will always find a way.

How will they taste you ask?

Apparently these ‘mallowgrams’ taste exactly like vanilla (original) marshmallows, and they are also currently working on other flavours.

That black-and-white photo of your beloved pet may be sentimental, but there are also lots of other ways to celebrate your pooch. Stick him on a twig, toast him in a braai and mash him between 2 marie biscuits.

Read the original article by The Atlantic here.