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Cooking up that storm

Hi everyone,

It’s the long weekend and
that makes today a Friday *squeal*.

Have you noticed the
days are getting longer? It’s rather groovy that Spring will start bouncing in
a month or so and we can stop wearing socks *more squealing*.

I think it’s the
celebration of Women tomorrow that’s captivating me. I know we’re worth
it and all of that malarkey but it’s nice to have an actual day just for us. I shall order my family about (they’re all boys) and hopefully
get some nice time to do stuff – just for me.

Now what does ‘just
for me’ actually mean? Often it means me, on my own, not disturbed by anyone in
the kitchen drinking wine and experimenting. Luckily for the rest of my lot, my
‘me’ time ends up in a plate full of something. Hold thumbs for them that my
experiments work out.

It’s relaxing and fun.
I page through cookbooks, see what I have in the freezer and cupboards and
then just… play. It can end in taste
bud napalm and sometimes I drink too much wine which halts it all with a little
snooze, but most of the time a new dish is born and (if I can remember it) a
new recipe.

I wonder what I’ll
cook up tomorrow. I’m going to pop to the shops on the way home, get a whole
lot of deliciously interesting things and then it’s just me and my apron tomorrow afternoon.

How do you see your Women’s Day panning out tomorrow?

If you’ve got women in your life, take my advice: treat her to doing something just for
and then give her chocolate – it will never fail.

Love and French mountain cheese,